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Comment count is 9
EvilHomer - 2014-02-03



Cena_mark - 2014-02-03

That is some painful desperation. He doesn't even try to create good music. He just tries to top Friday in obnoxiousness thinking Annoying = Viral.

Quad9Damage - 2014-02-03

Or he's just trolling at this point. There's a smug, self-satisfied feel to this whole thing, like he knows the song and video are utter shit but he's doing it to rub it in our faces and say "I'm a thorn in your collective sides, and you are powerless to stop me from annoying you."

infinite zest - 2014-02-03

There's something to be said about what he's doing, depending on the parent who's shilling out the money to get their sons' or daughters' dreams of being the next Justin Bieber or Miley Cirus' reactions. Eating your teenage friend who has transformed into an egg roll after a love potion is mis-labeled is a very weird though. But hey, the parents paid for it, ostensibly viewing the video beforehand. And the kid's probably happy for the attention, positive or negative.

infinite zest - 2014-02-03

Patrice isn't half as creepy as the guy who DJ'd a middle school sadie hawkins dance I went to. He played "Let's Get it On" and was smiling the whole time.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-02-04

It's hard to take Patrice seriously as an artist; he's not even wearing a bag over his head when he performs. Amateur.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-04

I can't believe I gave this another view. :(

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-04

I'm guessing it's monetized too... which makes me double the bad person.

The Mothership - 2020-08-13

I'm not a creep!

- Cue high school cheerleaders.

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