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Comment count is 5
Sudan no1 - 2014-05-29

Ok, I agree, now how about you hire someone who knows how to make a game that's fun to play.

(I like the stories of these games, but the gameplay is always terrible)

Riskbreaker - 2014-05-29

The first Drakengard yes, they polished the combat in the sequel. Also, Nier is pretty good, go check it out.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2014-05-29

Never played any of the Drakengard games, but I couldn't get into Nier at all the way other people did. It was one hell of a unique game, I'll give it that, but it was just, I dunno...kind of boring to me, and it was visually hideous, and not one lick of the damn plot made any sense.

I know that you have to play through the game like four times to get the whole story and the true ending, but I couldn't make myself do it.

Kid Fenris - 2014-05-29

I really enjoyed Nier. It did a lot of neat things that I haven't seen other games try. I do agree that it was ugly, though.

As for the Drakengard games, the first one is an insufferable slog to play. Watch the cutscenes or a Let's Play if you want to see how hilariously fucked-up the story gets, but there's no point in sitting down with it.

Drakengard 2 really isn't so bad. Drakengard fans hate it because the original director wasn't involved with it much and the story is, consequently, far more generic. But I liked the gameplay in a mindless brawlsome sense.

I couldn't stop playing Drakengard 3. It has horrible slowdown and annoying "look at this lame level design" metahumor, but it's weird and grotesque and malevolent in a way I found very compelling. It's probably the purest treatment of this guy's ideas.

Kid Fenris - 2014-05-29

Also thank you, Rangoon, for fixing my fuckup.

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