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Comment count is 7
memedumpster - 2012-03-13

I thought feminism was invented by Freud's cousin to sell cigarettes to a new market?

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-03-13

Feminism was invented and distributed by Japanese spies so that future women would be horribly offended by their nation's cartoon porn, which they were stockpiling until the day when they could achieve maximum offensiveness. That day...

... IS NOW!

Xenocide - 2012-03-14

Man, the Illuminati sure keep busy. They're behind Feminism, 9/11, Obama, abortionists, anti-abortionists, books on tape, cats, and so much more. In fact, you might be wondering if there is any aspect of modern society that isn't the direct result of one of their clever plans.

Surprisingly, yes! Popcorn shrimp and Depeche Mode both happened completely by accident!

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-03-13

And I said "why am I an idiot?" and he said "because you keep rubbing the inside of your throat with steel wool."

I really like how the video just fades out at a seemingly random spot.

Riskbreaker - 2012-03-13

TFL tag please

Koda Maja - 2012-03-15


FreeOJ - 2012-03-16

Alex Jones tag

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