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Comment count is 11
EvilHomer - 2012-12-04

Obama's Belize.

Born in the RSR - 2012-12-04

Dammit! I just read about this guy for the first time today... Thanks Rodents!

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-12-04

So John, you say the Belize police have false positively identified you in the murder? Yeah, I've had the same problem with some of my software installations.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-12-04

..and if you pay them some money, they'll accept you and call off the dogs? Yes, I know of this too.

memedumpster - 2012-12-04

What happened is that McAfee's incrimination came as a free trial service in the Julian Assange / Bradley Manning prefab justice and no, you can't uninstall it.

IrishWhiskey - 2012-12-04

If Hollywood hasn't already bought the movie rights to this guy's life, they're as big a bunch of idiots as Red Dawn would suggest.

SolRo - 2012-12-04

That stampede you hear is the tea party tripping over itself to get this guy to run for president in 2016.

Government wants to take his money

Does he hate women and/or gays? because that would just be icing.

chairsforcheap - 2012-12-04

If he wasn't "trolling," he's open to a lot of things.

sosage - 2012-12-04

I haven't listened to this yet, but these stars are for McAfee evading police by burying himself on a beach and putting a cardboard box over his head.

La Loco - 2012-12-04

Wow, he's Solid Snake irl! Suddenly I like him more.

sjohnson301 - 2012-12-05

Just got back from living in the south caribbean for the past 6 months. There are tons of American ex-pats living in the region, many of them alcoholics and drug addicts who have fled the US because of family problems, money issues, and legal shit. McAfee sounds EXACTLY like a lot of these parasites I met - an overriding "victim complex" follows them everywhere they go. The reason they left the USA was because the government was fucking them over. And now it's the CORRUPT Costa Rican/Panamanian/Belize government that's doing the same.

Of course, if you just save their ass with a few thousand Colones or Lempiras, they can finally fix that broken sailboat they bought that's been sitting in the harbor for 2 years and open up a successful tourist business and you can be their business partner.

Fuck this guy, I hope he goes to jail in Guatemala and gets put in general population.

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