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Desc:Canada's largest lawn care company isn't concerned about petty things like 'contracts' or 'consent'.
Category:Business, Crime
Tags:canada, CBC, scam, lawn care
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Comment count is 11
baleen - 2015-06-30

Another slow news year in Canada.

oddeye - 2015-06-30

Plenty of interesting stuff happens in Canada, I'm told.

ashtar. - 2015-06-30

Well, they've already got gay marriage and public health care figured out, and their economy wasn't wrecked by reckless unregulated speculation, so... yeah, pretty chill in Canada except for those lawn care scams.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2015-07-01

I wouldn't mind a slow news year or two personally.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-07-01

oh, bless them for their deadpan scam investigations. also that silhouette of canada being consumed by weeds is wonderful. in fact, their vfx is astounding in general.

yogarfield - 2015-07-01

I'm sure these are all fine videos, and I'm sure to watch them in the morning. But honestly we need swing votes because I've never seen a 10+/10- in the hopper. WE NEED TO TALK. VOTE YES.


RedHood - 2015-07-01

Yeah but Chocobandit just one stars everything that's not on his cool kids list. So you probably need to send an army of transsexual terminators from yesterdays tomorrow to "deal" with him first. Then we move on to the bigger picture.

RedHood - 2015-07-01

* And down-votes

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-07-01

The Piranha brothers have come to Canada.

TeenerTot - 2015-07-01

Okay, I'll watch this. Aughg! YT feed is FULL of these CBC News busts now! I didn't want this! Stop seeding my YT with these! I never signed on for more!!

And so forth.

Spaceman Africa - 2015-07-01

I remember seeing one of their cars outside my neighbors house a few months ago, emblazoned with the motto "The Weed Man Is Here"

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