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Comment count is 12
baleen - 2009-03-16

Okay, the burgers did it for me.

Chancho - 2009-03-16

We need to get a search party together and find Woland!

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-03-16

I don't understand what the hell this man is trying to tell me.

HankFinch - 2009-03-16

This is how babies are made.

Keefu - 2009-03-16

Oh my god, do not hesitate at all to take a look at this guy's blog for a moment:


Keefu - 2009-03-16

"Welcome to a new world that the “whisperers were waiting for” all for their new fake Jesus. A world where is “no sin” only love, peace and security and unity. A new world religion: Obama. The “Christ”, the “Messiah”, “GOD”. He sworn, he spoke clearly and sharp, like Hitler. And you still don’t see the 666 inside… Shame on you! "

Keefu - 2009-03-16

Also an article on the Rapture from the bible begins with a picture from Bioshock. This is amazing. AMAZING.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-16

I'm not going to take your message seriously if you can't put at least a half-hearted effort into a google image search for it. Couldn't you have at least found pictures from an Italian cannibal movie?

B. Weed - 2009-03-16

Ritual stubbing?

revdrew - 2009-03-16

Stubbing myself just once hurts like a bitch. But 666 times? Ouch!

svraz - 2009-03-16

Fucking racist satanists. They didn't kill any circle goths for africa or asia.

duckofdeath - 2009-03-23


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