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Desc:Badgers are not playful. They are not fun. Most have been dead several times.
Category:Nature & Places, Pets & Animals
Tags:dog, badger, Rhodesian Ridgeback, american badger, less educated than european badgers
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Comment count is 16
urbanelf - 2010-08-02

I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened at 1:23. My best guess is that the dog got hit by some kind of badger cannon.

Binro the Heretic - 2010-08-02

The badger latched onto the dog's throat. When the dog jumped back down the hill, the badger followed...since it was attached to the dog.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2010-08-02

That dog is a simp. He just circles the thing. I WANT TO SEE BLOOD. BADGER BLOOD.

Casual Tea Party - 2010-08-02

That dog is a pimp. Just listen to that music.

urbanelf - 2010-08-02

umcf, there's a horrible video on youtube called "Viscious killer" that should be to your liking.

FatFatuousNation - 2010-08-03

Don't look for it :(

baleen - 2010-08-02

I request that the title of this clip be renamed to American Dog vs. American Badger

baleen - 2010-08-03


wtf japan - 2010-08-03

I don't want to puncture your protuberance here or anything, but the *Rhodesian* Ridgeback hails from Africa.

Badass Lion-Fighting African Dog vs. American Badger.

urbanelf - 2010-08-03

I think the new title should make everyone happy.

baleen - 2010-08-04

Well, I laughed. So...

ItsAboutTime - 2010-08-03

Just playin
Just playin
Just playin

lieutenant halfabeef - 2010-08-03

Holy hell! That badger suplexed that dog's shit at the start.

Bonus stars for Intermix.

Rape Van Winkle - 2010-08-03

I thought this was gonna end with me feeling sick with pity for the poor dog, like in Dog vs. Deer.


Jeriko-1 - 2010-08-03

Wow, it really does happen.

After realizing the badger was attempting to zero in on his balls -every single time- the dog wisely chose to abandon the fight.

memedumpster - 2010-08-03

Loses a star for no badger winning quickly and horribly. This is anti-badger propaganda.

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