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Comment count is 7
TeenerTot - 2009-03-19

Dupe-ass duper dupes.

citrusmirakel - 2009-03-19

Attn Cocks:
Don't say "dupe" unless you have the link to prove it.


(but I'm giving a bonus star for repeat-worthy mind-breaking insanity.)

baleen - 2009-03-19

I give up

Louis Armstrong - 2009-03-19

needs "dupe tag"

Camonk - 2009-03-19

Listen I'm not ranking this
because I've been drinking
But dupes confuse me. should we police them because they take up space and bandwidth and also because we are all ultra-intelligent big-brained hyperbeings with multiple degrees and god's balls but we have standards
or should we not care because we are all anti-establishment, fuck the man, up yours pig hackers who piss on the system
i mean obviously jewy baleen is all for rules and guilt and giving up so that we'll all repent
So man i am unsure what do about dupes. did you guys see that article about the porcupine that doesn't have any spines

cognitivedissonance - 2009-03-20

Five stars for Drunk Camonk.

kingarthur - 2009-03-20

Can't give stars due to dupage, BUT:

"Does mah Uncle Tomfoolery please, yuh, suh?"

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